Your Government Live and More

The links below are pathways for watching televised sessions --- and more --- of your city, county, state, and federal government in action. Stay informed!!!
  1) Click on logos for broader access to legislators & services.
  2) Click on descriptions (e.g., Cincinnati City...) for access to live televised sessions.
Note: Check each link (logo, description, or channel schedule) for links to archived sessions and much more.

Ohioan's: Register to Vote

Ohio House Live

Next scheduled meeting listed below webcast.

Ohio Senate Live

Next scheduled meeting listed below webcast.

U.S. House Live

Video description lists last date televised.  If today, "Activity" to right indicates if already adjourned.

U.S. Senate Live

Schedule listed below description of "Floor Webcast".  If scheduled today, a link, "WATCH LIVE FLOOR PROCEEDINGS", will appear below scheduling notice.

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